"The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson." - Tom Bodett
#1:Typing.com - Learn how to type easy, quick, and free. #2:CodeAcademy - Learn web-coding languages and how to use them for personal or commercial projects. #3:Khan Academy - Learn multiple subjects that range from math, to science, etc. #4:YouTube - Education - Multiple videos on YouTube about different topics of education. #5:Brain Pump - Stop watching television and learn something new and interesting. #6:Mental Floss - Interesting & amazing facts/article + really fun trivia! #7:Duolingo - Sharpen your language skills. #8:Freerice - Learn multiple subjects while donating rice to the poor for each answer that is selected correctly. #9:Instructables - Learn to do just about anything! #10:Lifehacker - Articles containing tips, tricks, and guides that will make your life easier and make your mind more complex! #11:TED-Ed - Lessons about multiple subjects that anyone may like! #12:Udemy - Lessons and courses that contain videos & guides about multiple subjects. #13:Unplug The TV - Suggestions on watching informative videos besides normal television or other online videos. #14:AboveTopSecret - Alternative news sources that are a wealth of information along with things that are not shared main-stream. #15:VSauce - This YouTube user provides multiple videos about amazing facts that most of us doesn't already know.