I have a big conflict with this, my favorite franchise was always Need For Speed (I didn't have a good PC at least until about two years ago) but I had always wanted to try more games and I took the thread with YouTubers (Before Twich I was born) and I kept watching them on YouTube, then I didn't miss them, but now that if I have a PC powerful enough to run everything that comes across the front in graphics and 1440p / 4K (Depends on the game, in the AAA games like Metro, Control and RDR2 [I haven't bought yet but I know it won't go to 4K] among others, if I have to go down to 1440p)
But answering, I would stay more with Sagas than with a single game, for example Tomb Raider (I already spent all three), The Rockstar GTA, Skyrim ... and so on, I think I'm currently looking for more games with good story or a story that catches me, instead of some shooter ... but that doesn't mean I'm not hitting the "Battlefield V" hard