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Legalizing Marijuana

Submitted by Natsu, , Thread ID: 13523

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RE: Legalizing Marijuana

Divine One
02-12-2015, 02:47 AM
02-12-2015, 02:45 AM
Luxury Wrote:
Liberals are for legalization of pretty much everything that doesn't "hurt the environment", last time I checked.

Marijuana limits ones mental capacity, has long lasting effects on the brain, and is proven to be a dangerous substance. It can harm ones body, and health. Therefore, we can classify it as a dangerous and harmful substance. There's a reason it was illegal, and it should remain illegal for the protection of our people, and to prevent the status of our country from plummeting down further than it already is.

I also believe that alcohol is dangerous, and it causes just as much trouble as Marijuana. It's similar, and different to Marijuana, but it's still a drug-like substance. Alcohol causes abuse in families, car accidents, poor decision making and embarrassment. But it's effects are not as immediate in an adult body as smoking. Drinking can be ok, as long as it's not too much over too little time. Same thing with smoking (cigarettes), it might tear up your lungs, and burn your wallet, but it does not have any negative effects on the brain that can impair judgment.

If we legalize Marijuana, it will become wide spread throughout the population, just like Alcohol. The difference being, Marijuana will impact our workers, our students and everyone in between. If we legalize it, then the idea of "smoke weed everyday" will become a reality, and it will result in a severely handicapped population that lacks effort. Just because we have a cake, doesn't mean we need to eat the whole thing.

TL;DR: I'm against it. It'll make everyone retarded.

It'll make everyone go retarded? Please provide a scenario in which someone has died from smoking weed.
Now do the same for alcohol and cigarettes. I rest my case.
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