away mode (turns off autorefreshing when user is inactive for a specified period of time)
antiflood control
minimum forum posts to shout
blocking specified users from shouting
advanced group permissions system (to view, shout, auto-refresh, moderate, moderate own messages)
lazy load
archive mode with moderation panel (banned users, shouts pruning) and IP information
auto-synchronization of edited & deleted messages
unread messages tracking
This plugin requires PHP version 5.4 or higher. The installation is not fully automatic so the plugin will not mess with your styles or templates. Complete the following steps to set up the plugin:
Upload Upload the files from UPLOAD to your MyBB root directory.
CSS Code Copy the CSS included in the package (STYLES.txt) into your theme stylesheets (for example global.css).
{$dvz_shoutbox} Insert the {$dvz_shoutbox} variable into your index template.