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Theoretical Physics discussion

Submitted by KOOPAOU812, , Thread ID: 14140

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RE: Theoretical Physics discussion

11-12-2015, 04:49 PM
11-12-2015, 04:38 PM
KOOPAOU812 Wrote:
11-12-2015, 09:55 AM
Carpesir Wrote:
11-12-2015, 12:48 AM
KOOPAOU812 Wrote:
10-12-2015, 11:57 PM
Carpesir Wrote:
10-12-2015, 11:55 PM
KOOPAOU812 Wrote:
I don't think there is nothing. There are particles in seemingly empty spaces, and, even in an empty void, there is still the void.

How can there be particles in "nothing" ?

Having thought for a little bit, i'm going to change my answer.

Nothing would have to be unobtainable and unthinkable. We have already named nothing something with the rise of 0 in mathematics. That single addition alone gave incredible possibilities; with the inclusion of nothing, more somethings appear. So, maybe, Nothing is death. Once we die we are, to ourselves, nothing. everything we did, everything we loved, and everything we remember disappears because, at death, we don't exist anymore, for we are not there to view it.

Good answer.

Let's take this answer and discuss it out. So, we have now "declared" what nothing is. But, let's say we're dead, what'd be then? What's afterdeath? "Nothing"? A paradise? Hell?

I was reading a book - i don't remember which one - but in it they discussed the happenings of the afterlife. They said that whatever you believed to be after death would happen. You want a paradise/hell scenario, you got it. You want nothing, well you can have that too, and, to be honest, when i die,i am hoping for the void; eternal rest. None of that heaven or hell shit, just darkness.

Why would that be? Like, why'd afterlife become what you want it to be?

Also, why you'd like darkness?

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