LuminaFX adds a LightShow Designer Job for DarkRP to improve NightClubs!
Public Lightshows:
Build the lightshow. Go to Q Menu > Options > LuminaDesigner > Admin Settings > Save Lightshow The lightshow is now saved for this map and gets created on map load or CleanUp. There can only be one Public Lightshow per Map. The Lightshow data also saves if the lightshow is playing at the time of saving, so if you want it to play once it get created make sure to start the lightshow before saving.
Construction SWEP:
The Construction swep has 3 modes Builder Mode: Allows the player to snap Machines/Scafold on a Grid or on one another. Linker Mode: Allows the player to link/unlink machines to the controller. Repair Mode: Allows the player to repair machines so they dont get destroyed The order in which machines are linked to the controller is later used for the Delayed Playmodes on ActionBlocks.
Lightshow Controller:
The lightshow controller allows the player to design the lightshow. A lightshow consists out of a Sequence of Actionblocks which are placed on to Outputports. Output Ports are created inside the interface and later get linked to machines using the LinkerSWEP. Actionblocks are a sequence of Transitions. Transitions tell the Lightshow what parameters should fade in and stay for how long. Actionblocks are machine specific, currently there are 6 types (DisplayScreens, Effectmaker, Fogmachines, Lighttubes, Stagelights and Generic) Generic Actionblocks can be used on any Output Port and are generaly used to add wait time or a Restart Node.
Rank Restrictions:
Rank restrictions can be set in the config. (zld.config.Restrictions) zeros_luminadesigner\lua\zlumina\sh\zld_config.lua The Rank restriction defines what beams, patterns, effect and radio channels the player can use. It also sets timeline duration, filesize limit and transition limit.
Radio Streams:
Radio streams can be defined in the config zld.config.RadioStreams More Radio Streams can be added using the m3u file linkes from sites like this Click on download and then right click "Any player (.m3u)" Copy link adress
Download - It doesn't work anymore!
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