There's lots of great free content out there on Google as well as Youtube. I'll list some links below but I'd recommend the paid services since majority of these services offer you more interaction instead of you just sitting there lost. The best part is that majority of the paid services offer a free trial so if one doesn't tickle your fancy, then you can try another. These typically offer to you a questionnaire so if you have a specific path you'd like to take but don't know where to start, the questions can help you. These also typically offer you a lesson download where you can follow along and play with other projects that have been created for you.
Free: freecodecamp (they have a website as well as a Youtube channel that offer full video courses) w3schools css-tricks
Paid: codecademy (a personal favourite and highly recommended) teamtreehouse (another personal favourite and highly recommended again) skillshare lynda udemy udacity pluralsight frontendwebmasters