
Personal Feedback

Submitted by Oathkeeper, , Thread ID: 168723

Thread Closed

RE: Personal Feedback

24-04-2020, 05:20 PM
1. The warning should disappear once you're an "established" member of the community. The warning is supposed to be menacing until then since well... it's a warning.
2. I don't think we can really encourage people to customize the forum. Creating a notification/banner to let people know they can customize the theme won't happen. Notifications are only for providing important information. (If I understood you correctly anyway)
3. Sorry, don't understand what you mean by the error message "Nulled". None of our forum error messages should have some kind of error code or explanation. Mind posting a screenshot?
4. The latest posts in the sidebar is limited only to a few, while new content shows up more posts. I agree that random thread should have some time limit system, instead of showing threads from years ago. NSFW should stay on index, it's meant to be used when for example you go to work. For example, in the morning you browse without NSFW on, then you go to work, then you'd have to go to settings, turn it on, then finish work, come back home, go back to settings, turn it off again. It's fine on index, it's supposed to be accessible and it's not bothering anyone.
5. I'm pretty sure our search engine is the default MyBB search engine, which obviously isn't the best. I don't think we'll be making major changes to it soon and in my experience I've usually gotten the answers I seek.

Thanks for the feedback!
[Image: InZ3hGx.png]

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