Minecraft Leaks

AdvancedLogin 3.11

Submitted by Askyna, , Thread ID: 169558

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Junior Member
30-04-2020, 02:06 PM
This post was last modified: 07-05-2020, 01:30 PM by Askyna
About the developer >http://skamps.eu/

WORKS ONLY ON 1.8 -1.15

[Image: desc-jpg.56853]
AdvancedLogin is the first login-plugin that provides a GUI-login with a PIN.
A login-gui has two main advantages to the ordinary"/login mypw123".
First it's much faster to click on 4 Items then to type the whole command and
second it's protected from the known AuthMe-Cracker that can only work with commands
And of course it looks way more awesome[Image: clear.png]
For more features see the feature topic.

[Image: setup-jpg.56854]

  1. Download the plugin

  2. Put the .jar in your plugin folder

  3. Reload or restart your server

  4. Check with /plugins if the plugin is loaded
Bungeecord-Server Setup:
If you want to use this plugin on a Bungeecord-Server we recommend to create an extra Login-Server where the User will always be sent to if he logs on the network.

You can specify a server in the config.yml where the user should be sent to if he logs in successfully[Image: clear.png]

For a high level of security, you can also install this plugin on the BungeeCord Server:https://www.dropbox.com/s/n9wh44jmaxsb5z...e.jar?dl=0which will prevent the user from using the chat/commands while logging in.

[Image: comms-perms-jpg.56855]
/resetpin -Reset the PIN of an user and opens up the LoginGUI.
For User | No Perms

/resetpin [Player] -Reset the PIN of an user and kicks him if he is online
For Admins | al.admin.resetpin

/setpin [Player]- Sets the PIN of an user
For Admins | al.admin.setpin
/alReload -Reloads the data from the config.yml
For Admins | al.admin.reload
/setJoinLoc -Sets the location to which the player will be teleportet during the login
For Admins | al.admin.setloc

al.login |If enabled in the config, only players with this permission get a login-screen

SPIGOT LINK:https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/advancedlogin.10510/
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