Oh my, if my double posting keeps getting joined with my last this whole thing could be quite long because the comic I'd like to show you guys today iiiiissssss:
I've mentioned this earlier but I do love me some house of mystery, wherein patrons of an inter-dimensional pub pay for their food and drink through stories. Again, like a lot of western comics, the writers and artists switch up a lot on these but there is a story that runs throughout the series, although more behind the scenes than anything. It in itself is wonderful but here is a taste of the first story presented in this iteration of the title.
Intrigued? Check out the first story present here (be warned, as everything I post there is adult content read at your own risk).
This run is fairly short by comic standards, but should you have a taste for more the house of mystery comes with siblings in The House of Secrets and The House of Whispers.