
How To Pro Play in valorant

Submitted by artinvfx202020, , Thread ID: 174427

Thread Closed
15-06-2020, 09:08 PM
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download and instal


copy my cod in notepad :

#KeyHistory, 0
#HotKeyInterval 1
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 127
#SingleInstance, Force

SetKeyDelay,-1, 8
SetControlDelay, -1
SetMouseDelay, -1
SendMode, InputThenPlay
ListLines, Off
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen, RGB
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
PID := DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId")
Process, Priority, %PID%, High  
EMCol := 0xaf0707

ColVn := 45
ZeroX := 960
ZeroY := 540
CFovX := 100
CFovY := 100

ScanL := ZeroX - 75
ScanR := ZeroX + 75
ScanT := ZeroY - 100
ScanB := ZeroY + 100

Loop, {
Start := A_TickCount
while GetKeyState("LButton") && A_TickCount - Start < 150
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL, ScanT, ScanR, ScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
GoSub GetAimOffset
GoSub GetAimMoves
GoSub MouseMoves

AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX
AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY
AimY := AimPixelY+3 - ZeroY

If ( AimX > 0 ) {
  DirX := 1
If ( AimX < 0 ) {
  DirX := -1
If ( AimY > 0 ) {
  DirY := 1
If ( AimY < 0 ) {
  DirY := -1
AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY


RootX := Ceil(( AimOffsetX ** ( 1 / 1.65 )))
RootY := Ceil(( AimOffsetY ** ( 1 / 1.65 )))
MoveX := RootX * DirX
MoveY := RootY * DirY ;same here



DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1.75, int, MoveX * 1.45, int, MoveY * 1, uint, 0, int, 0)
DllCall("Sleep", UInt, 0.001)
and save as . . .
Name : Your Name .ahk
and run Script

Fix Ricoile :
#KeyHistory, 0
#HotKeyInterval 1
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 127
#SingleInstance, Force

SetKeyDelay,-1, 8
SetControlDelay, -1
SetMouseDelay, -1
SendMode, InputThenPlay
ListLines, Off
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen, RGB
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
PID := DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId")
Process, Priority, %PID%, High  
EMCol := 0xaf0707

ColVn := 45
ZeroX := 960
ZeroY := 540
CFovX := 100
CFovY := 100

ScanL := ZeroX - 75
ScanR := ZeroX + 75
ScanT := ZeroY - 100
ScanB := ZeroY + 100

Loop, {
Start := A_TickCount
while GetKeyState("LButton") && A_TickCount - Start < 150
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL, ScanT, ScanR, ScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
GoSub GetAimOffset
GoSub GetAimMoves
GoSub MouseMoves

AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX
AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY
AimY := AimPixelY+3 - ZeroY

If ( AimX > 0 ) {
  DirX := 1
If ( AimX < 0 ) {
  DirX := -1
If ( AimY > 0 ) {
  DirY := 1
If ( AimY < 0 ) {
  DirY := -1
AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY


RootX := Ceil(( AimOffsetX ** ( 1 / 1.65 )))
RootY := Ceil(( AimOffsetY ** ( 1 / 1.65 )))
MoveX := RootX * DirX
MoveY := RootY * DirY ;same here



DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1.75, int, MoveX * 1.45, int, MoveY * 1, uint, 0, int, 0)
DllCall("Sleep", UInt, 0.001)
#SingleInstance, Force
#KeyHistory, 0
#HotKeyInterval 1
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 127

if (FileExist("config.ini"))
IniWrite, 0xA5A528, config.ini, main, EMCol
IniWrite, 20, config.ini, main, ColVn

IniRead, EMCol, config.ini, main, EMCol
IniRead, ColVn, config.ini, main, ColVn

toggle = 1
toggle2 = 1

AntiShakeX := (A_ScreenHeight // 160)
AntiShakeY := (A_ScreenHeight // 128)
ZeroX := (A_ScreenWidth // 2) ;dont touch?
ZeroY := (A_ScreenHeight // 2)
CFovX := (A_ScreenWidth // 20) ;This is your X Aimbot FOV. Increase for smaller FOV and decrease for bigger FOV. (yes it is reverted)
CFovY := (A_ScreenHeight // 30) ;;This is your Y Aimbot FOV. Increase for smaller FOV and decrease for bigger FOV. (yes it is reverted)
ScanL := ZeroX - CFovX
ScanT := ZeroY
ScanR := ZeroX + CFovX
ScanB := ZeroY + CFovY
NearAimScanL := ZeroX - AntiShakeX
NearAimScanT := ZeroY - AntiShakeY
NearAimScanR := ZeroX + AntiShakeX
NearAimScanB := ZeroY + AntiShakeY

Gui Add, Text, cBlue,
Gui Add, Text, cBlue, F2 Active
Gui show

Gui 2: Color, EEAA99
Gui 2: Font, S72, Arial Black

Gui 2: Add, GroupBox, w100 h250 cFFB10F BackgroundTrans,
Gui 2: +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow
WinSet, TransColor, EEAA99
Gui 2: -Caption


SetKeyDelay,-1, 1
SetControlDelay, -1
SetMouseDelay, -1
SendMode, InputThenPlay
ListLines, Off
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen, RGB
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
PID := DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId")
Process, Priority, %PID%, High


PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, NearAimScanL, NearAimScanT, NearAimScanR, NearAimScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB

if GetKeyState("Alt"){
if (ErrorLevel=0) {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, NearAimScanL, NearAimScanT, NearAimScanR, NearAimScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
loop , 1{
send {Lbutton down}
sleep, 10
send {lbutton up}

if GetKeyState("LButton") {
if (ErrorLevel=0) {
if _recoil;If Norecoil is enabled (F3 pressed true) then shoot with norecoil on target.
Loop, 1{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
Sleep 20
mouseXY(0, 2)
Sleep 15
loop, 10 {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL, ScanT, ScanR, ScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX
AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY
DirX := -1
DirY := -1
If ( AimX > 0 ) {
DirX := 1
If ( AimY > 0 ) {
DirY := 1
AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
MoveX := Floor(( AimOffsetX ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirX
MoveY := Floor(( AimOffsetY ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirY
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX * 0.3, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0) ;turing mouse to color were it says * is the speed of the aimbot turn up for unhuman reactions lower for human
} ;; loop
Loop, 1{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
Sleep 20
mouseXY(0, 7)
Sleep 15
loop, 10 {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL, ScanT, ScanR, ScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX
AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY
DirX := -1
DirY := -1
If ( AimX > 0 ) {
DirX := 1
If ( AimY > 0 ) {
DirY := 1
AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
MoveX := Floor(( AimOffsetX ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirX
MoveY := Floor(( AimOffsetY ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirY
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX * 0.4, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0) ;turing mouse to color were it says * is the speed of the aimbot turn up for unhuman reactions lower for human
} ;; loop
Loop, 2{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
Sleep 20
mouseXY(0, 9)
Sleep 15
loop, 10 {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL, ScanT, ScanR, ScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX
AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY
DirX := -1
DirY := -1
If ( AimX > 0 ) {
DirX := 1
If ( AimY > 0 ) {
DirY := 1
AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
MoveX := Floor(( AimOffsetX ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirX
MoveY := Floor(( AimOffsetY ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirY
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX * 0.5, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0) ;turing mouse to color were it says * is the speed of the aimbot turn up for unhuman reactions lower for human
} ;; loop
Loop, 2{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
Sleep 10
mouseXY(0, 11)
Sleep 15
loop, 10 {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL, ScanT, ScanR, ScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX
AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY
DirX := -1
DirY := -1
If ( AimX > 0 ) {
DirX := 1
If ( AimY > 0 ) {
DirY := 1
AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
MoveX := Floor(( AimOffsetX ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirX
MoveY := Floor(( AimOffsetY ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirY
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX * 0.6, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0) ;turing mouse to color were it says * is the speed of the aimbot turn up for unhuman reactions lower for human
} ;; loop
Loop, 1{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
Sleep 10
mouseXY(0, 14)
loop, 15 {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL, ScanT, ScanR, ScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX
AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY
DirX := -1
DirY := -1
If ( AimX > 0 ) {
DirX := 1
If ( AimY > 0 ) {
DirY := 1
AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
MoveX := Floor(( AimOffsetX ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirX
MoveY := Floor(( AimOffsetY ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirY
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX * 0.7, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0) ;turing mouse to color were it says * is the speed of the aimbot turn up for unhuman reactions lower for human
} ;; loop
Loop, 1{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
Sleep 10
mouseXY(0, 16)
loop, 15 {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL, ScanT, ScanR, ScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX
AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY
DirX := -1
DirY := -1
If ( AimX > 0 ) {
DirX := 1
If ( AimY > 0 ) {
DirY := 1
AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
MoveX := Floor(( AimOffsetX ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirX
MoveY := Floor(( AimOffsetY ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirY
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX * 0.7, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0) ;turing mouse to color were it says * is the speed of the aimbot turn up for unhuman reactions lower for human
} ;; loop
Loop, 1{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
Sleep 10
mouseXY(0, 8)
loop, 15 {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL, ScanT, ScanR, ScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX
AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY
DirX := -1
DirY := -1
If ( AimX > 0 ) {
DirX := 1
If ( AimY > 0 ) {
DirY := 1
AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
MoveX := Floor(( AimOffsetX ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirX
MoveY := Floor(( AimOffsetY ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirY
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX * 0.7, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0) ;turing mouse to color were it says * is the speed of the aimbot turn up for unhuman reactions lower for human
} ;; loop
Loop, 12{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
Sleep 100
loop, 10 {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL, ScanT, ScanR, ScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX
AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY
DirX := -1
DirY := -1
If ( AimX > 0 ) {
DirX := 1
If ( AimY > 0 ) {
DirY := 1
AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
MoveX := Floor(( AimOffsetX ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirX
MoveY := Floor(( AimOffsetY ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirY
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX * 0.7, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0) ;turing mouse to color were it says * is the speed of the aimbot turn up for unhuman reactions lower for human
} ;; loop
Loop, 1{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
mouseXY(0, -79)
} ;; loop
Loop, 1{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
Sleep 1000
} ;; loop

if GetKeyState("LButton") {
if (!ErrorLevel=0) {
loop, 10 {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL, ScanT, ScanR, ScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX
AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY
DirX := -1
DirY := -1
If ( AimX > 0 ) {
DirX := 1
If ( AimY > 0 ) {
DirY := 1
AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
MoveX := Floor(( AimOffsetX ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirX
MoveY := Floor(( AimOffsetY ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirY
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX * 0.3, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0) ;turing mouse to color were it says * is the speed of the aimbot turn up for unhuman reactions lower for human
if _recoil
Loop, 1{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
Sleep 20
mouseXY(0, 2)
Sleep 15
loop, 10 {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL, ScanT, ScanR, ScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX
AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY
DirX := -1
DirY := -1
If ( AimX > 0 ) {
DirX := 1
If ( AimY > 0 ) {
DirY := 1
AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
MoveX := Floor(( AimOffsetX ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirX
MoveY := Floor(( AimOffsetY ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirY
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX * 0.4, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0) ;turing mouse to color were it says * is the speed of the aimbot turn up for unhuman reactions lower for human
} ;; loop
Loop, 1{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
Sleep 20
mouseXY(0, 7)
Sleep 15
loop, 10 {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL, ScanT, ScanR, ScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX
AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY
DirX := -1
DirY := -1
If ( AimX > 0 ) {
DirX := 1
If ( AimY > 0 ) {
DirY := 1
AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
MoveX := Floor(( AimOffsetX ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirX
MoveY := Floor(( AimOffsetY ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirY
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX * 0.5, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0) ;turing mouse to color were it says * is the speed of the aimbot turn up for unhuman reactions lower for human
} ;; loop
Loop, 2{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
Sleep 20
mouseXY(0, 9)
Sleep 15
loop, 10 {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL, ScanT, ScanR, ScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX
AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY
DirX := -1
DirY := -1
If ( AimX > 0 ) {
DirX := 1
If ( AimY > 0 ) {
DirY := 1
AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
MoveX := Floor(( AimOffsetX ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirX
MoveY := Floor(( AimOffsetY ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirY
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX * 0.6, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0) ;turing mouse to color were it says * is the speed of the aimbot turn up for unhuman reactions lower for human
} ;; loop
Loop, 2{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
Sleep 10
mouseXY(0, 11)
Sleep 15
loop, 10 {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL, ScanT, ScanR, ScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX
AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY
DirX := -1
DirY := -1
If ( AimX > 0 ) {
DirX := 1
If ( AimY > 0 ) {
DirY := 1
AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
MoveX := Floor(( AimOffsetX ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirX
MoveY := Floor(( AimOffsetY ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirY
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX * 0.7, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0) ;turing mouse to color were it says * is the speed of the aimbot turn up for unhuman reactions lower for human
} ;; loop
Loop, 1{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
Sleep 10
mouseXY(0, 14)
loop, 15 {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL, ScanT, ScanR, ScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX
AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY
DirX := -1
DirY := -1
If ( AimX > 0 ) {
DirX := 1
If ( AimY > 0 ) {
DirY := 1
AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
MoveX := Floor(( AimOffsetX ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirX
MoveY := Floor(( AimOffsetY ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirY
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX * 0.7, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0) ;turing mouse to color were it says * is the speed of the aimbot turn up for unhuman reactions lower for human
} ;; loop
Loop, 1{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
Sleep 10
mouseXY(0, 16)
loop, 15 {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL, ScanT, ScanR, ScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX
AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY
DirX := -1
DirY := -1
If ( AimX > 0 ) {
DirX := 1
If ( AimY > 0 ) {
DirY := 1
AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
MoveX := Floor(( AimOffsetX ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirX
MoveY := Floor(( AimOffsetY ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirY
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX * 0.7, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0) ;turing mouse to color were it says * is the speed of the aimbot turn up for unhuman reactions lower for human
} ;; loop
Loop, 1{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
Sleep 10
mouseXY(0, 8)
loop, 15 {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL, ScanT, ScanR, ScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX
AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY
DirX := -1
DirY := -1
If ( AimX > 0 ) {
DirX := 1
If ( AimY > 0 ) {
DirY := 1
AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
MoveX := Floor(( AimOffsetX ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirX
MoveY := Floor(( AimOffsetY ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirY
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX * 0.7, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0) ;turing mouse to color were it says * is the speed of the aimbot turn up for unhuman reactions lower for human
} ;; loop
Loop, 12{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
Sleep 100
loop, 10 {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL, ScanT, ScanR, ScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX
AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY
DirX := -1
DirY := -1
If ( AimX > 0 ) {
DirX := 1
If ( AimY > 0 ) {
DirY := 1
AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
MoveX := Floor(( AimOffsetX ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirX
MoveY := Floor(( AimOffsetY ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirY
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX * 0.7, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0) ;turing mouse to color were it says * is the speed of the aimbot turn up for unhuman reactions lower for human
} ;; loop
Loop, 1{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
mouseXY(0, -79)
} ;; loop
Loop, 1{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
Sleep 1000
} ;; loop


~F3::_recoil = true

~F4::_recoil = false


_auto := true


global _auto
if _auto{
Loop, 4{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
Sleep 20
mouseXY(0, 1)
Sleep 15
} ;; loop
Loop, 5{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
Sleep 30
mouseXY(0, 5)
Sleep 25
} ;; loop
Loop, 1{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
Sleep 30
mouseXY(0, 8)
} ;; loop
Loop, 1{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
Sleep 30
mouseXY(0, 9)
} ;; loop
Loop, 4{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
Sleep 30
mouseXY(0, 10)
} ;; loop
Loop, 22{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
Sleep 100
} ;; loop
Loop, 1{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
mouseXY(0, -82)
} ;; loop
Loop, 1{
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
Sleep 1000
} ;; loop
} ;; if


_auto := false

goto, init

if toggle2 = 0
toggle2 = 1
Gui Hide
toggle2 = 0
Gui Show

if toggle = 0
toggle = 1
Gui 2: Hide
toggle = 0
Gui 2: Show



Fix Aim 02:
#SingleInstance, Force
#KeyHistory, 0
#HotKeyInterval 1
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 127
MsgBox, ,, | Fix Aim Valorant
if (FileExist("config.ini"))
IniWrite, 0xA5A528, config.ini, main, EMCol
IniWrite, 20, config.ini, main, ColVn

IniRead, EMCol, config.ini, main, EMCol
IniRead, ColVn, config.ini, main, ColVn

toggle = 1
toggle2 = 1

AntiShakeX := (A_ScreenHeight // 160)
AntiShakeY := (A_ScreenHeight // 128)
ZeroX := (A_ScreenWidth // 2) ;dont touch?
ZeroY := (A_ScreenHeight // 2)
CFovX := (A_ScreenWidth // 40) ;configure for FOV up = smaller lower= bigger current boxes right fov
CFovY := (A_ScreenHeight // 64)
ScanL := ZeroX - CFovX
ScanT := ZeroY
ScanR := ZeroX + CFovX
ScanB := ZeroY + CFovY
NearAimScanL := ZeroX - AntiShakeX
NearAimScanT := ZeroY - AntiShakeY
NearAimScanR := ZeroX + AntiShakeX
NearAimScanB := ZeroY + AntiShakeY


SetKeyDelay,-1, 1
SetControlDelay, -1
SetMouseDelay, -1
SendMode, InputThenPlay
ListLines, Off
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen, RGB
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
PID := DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId")
Process, Priority, %PID%, High


PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, NearAimScanL, NearAimScanT, NearAimScanR, NearAimScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB

if GetKeyState("ALT"){
if (ErrorLevel=0) {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, NearAimScanL, NearAimScanT, NearAimScanR, NearAimScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
loop , 1{
send {Lbutton down}
sleep, 10
send {lbutton up}

if GetKeyState("LButton") {
if (ErrorLevel=0) {
if _recoil
mouseXY(0, 1) ;change the norecoil amount while aiming at target
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 2, int, x, int, y, uint, 0, int, 0)

if GetKeyState("LButton") {
if (!ErrorLevel=0) {
loop, 10 {
PixelSearch, AimPixelX, AimPixelY, ScanL, ScanT, ScanR, ScanB, EMCol, ColVn, Fast RGB
AimX := AimPixelX - ZeroX
AimY := AimPixelY - ZeroY
DirX := -1
DirY := -1
If ( AimX > 0 ) {
DirX := 1
If ( AimY > 0 ) {
DirY := 1
AimOffsetX := AimX * DirX
AimOffsetY := AimY * DirY
MoveX := Floor(( AimOffsetX ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirX
MoveY := Floor(( AimOffsetY ** ( 1 / 2 ))) * DirY
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, MoveX * 0.7, int, MoveY, uint, 0, int, 0) ;turing mouse to color were it says * is the speed of the aimbot turn up for unhuman reactions lower for human
if _recoil
mouseXY(0, 1) ;change the nocrecoil amount while not aiming at target
DllCall("mouse_event", uint, 1, int, x, int, y, uint, 0, int, 0)
}~F3::_recoil = true

~F4::_recoil = false

_auto := true

Numlock::_auto := ! _auto

global _auto
if _auto
if GetKeyState("LButton", "P")
SendInput {LButton DownTemp}
Sleep 30
mouseXY(0, 1)
SendInput {LButton Up}
Sleep 25
} ;; loop
} ;; if
} ;; autofire()


_auto := false
ALT::Suspend, Toggle

Sleep 5
GetKeyState, SpaceState, Space, P
If SpaceState = U
Sleep 20
Send, {Blind}{Space}

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