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Whats ur dream job?

Submitted by EndrFX, , Thread ID: 172503

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RE: Whats ur dream job?

19-06-2020, 03:43 PM
My dream job is to not have any job. Not even a job in my own company with my own timings and rules. The ideal work for me is to have a strong and deep mission which is meaningful to both me (individually) and to society at large.

For example, I enjoy writing and write everyday. Writing is not a job to me because I dont get paid for it (most of the time). But I write to express myself, to communicate, to spread ideas and thoughts and to engage with the world. I hope my writing adds value to others who I seek to serve, entertain, and educate.

I create and invests in businesses. But this too is not a job to me. I like entrepreneurship and solving complex problems. I like to help others. I like to help myself by making profit (or atleast I hope to make profit while serving others with my time, energy, and investment money).

I travel a lot. I even run a big travel blog ?The Art of Travel[1]. But then again, traveling and blogging is not a job to me. Travel is like spirituality to me. I like to meet and learn about new cultures. I like to know about the dreams of those who dream differently.

So yes, a dream job may not have to a be ?job at all. Well, atleast not in a tradition sense.

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