Sexual minority cretinism
Submitted by GarryPovar, 23-06-2020, 12:07 PM, Thread ID: 174902
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23-06-2020, 12:07 PM
#1 This post was last modified: 23-06-2020, 12:17 PM by GarryPovar
I have nothing against MOST minorities, except for one kind but we'll talk about it later. If you're gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or even androgyne that is totally fine, i am a bisexual myself, but there are misconceptions that i think to be stupid, misleading and mistaken. WARNING: You may be triggered or insulted by things i will say. If you are emotional or easily assaulted then don't read what i'll write or do your best to not be triggered. Also, i don't claim it to be the absolute truth, it's my personal opinion, you may think otherwise and i'd like to hear your opinion too. You are warned.
So, here's some things that i think are stupid:
Okay, so what do you think about that? Is there something i am mistaken about or you have a reason to agree with me? Am i missing something? I am really interested in your opinions, boys and girls :3
So, here's some things that i think are stupid:
- "You don't choose what sexual oreintation are you"
Personally, i think this is bullshit to make those normies more tolerant, placing gay people on one place with birth defects. No genes are responsible for it, pure psychology, proof: i BECAME a bisexual by myself. My worldview for relationships is that there are only 2 things that matter when choosing a partner: Enjoyable personality and appearence that doesn't cause disgust in you or any normal person. Other things hardly even matter. I had disgust for seeing men as couples a while ago, but i got rid of it by getting used to them by watching... You get it. Why do you even believe some random pseudoscientists and tolerancy activists claims when they have no basis?
- Gay pride
Okay, it's totally fine to be gay, and you don't need to be ashamed because of that... NOR proud for it! Is being gay better than being straight? No, so what's the reason to be proud? And also why it show off to other people? "Look, im gay! I participate in a parade and have a cutie boyfriend, are you jelaous?" NO! I don't give a damn about your personal life unless i am your friend, it's no better than having a girlfriend, and there are much better options to show your oreintation to other people, than showing that you're inadequate. And why should you show it off if it's normal? You're separating yourself from everyone by doing so, it can cause agression and intolerancy, y'know?
- No tolerancy game complaints
Okay, there's a game about WW2 for example, why should there be a black man and homosexual... ON NAZI SIDE! They would be killed a second they would be found, and YES! It's racist, shouldn't it be that way? And any major game corp is forced to add minorities in their games, and i think it's okay if it isn't historically incorrect. And also work from the other side, work on society to make it normal, not force large corps to work on society because someone may hate it. And also there NEEDS to be less minorities, than normal people
- Genders
Ah, i hate it the most. You're a human male or a female, you can pretend to be opposite gender, you can have relationships with your own gender, but HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU BE A BOX OR AN ATTACK HELICOPTER? Sorry for caps, but it's propaganda of pretending to be something, that you are not - i see it as a thing, that's unhealthy for psychology or even as a disease. You can imagine to be anything, i have nothing against it, but why are you so public about it? This isn't something that can be easily understood and tolerated, because, unlike being gay, this ISN'T okay. Love yourself the way you are, and by that i don't mean don't dream, in russia we have a saying "? ", which means it's not harmful to dream, but don't forget about the reality and constantly lie to yourself...
that you are a box x)
- xcessive openness
Okay, i don't mean being open that you're gay because you're proud, i mean being open to intolerant people hoping they would accept you. They WILL joke about autistic screeching and will do opposite, do not feed troll, let him starve and die out. It's the best option. You can defend your interests and counter-attack the man that insulted you, but on a scale of a person, not television, social media or anything else, because they will abuse your mental weakness towards getting insulted. Don't do this, it's irrational
Okay, so what do you think about that? Is there something i am mistaken about or you have a reason to agree with me? Am i missing something? I am really interested in your opinions, boys and girls :3
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