3. (optional) Add your GSLT key to the startup parameters Example: +sv_setsteamaccount MYKEYGOESHERENOQUOTES
4. Put my addon in your addons folder and config it if you want to redirect players to your server.
5. most important step, put the .dll module into the lua/bin folder if the bin folder does not exist then create it, dont get it confused with the other bins its lua/bin
5.5. make a new lua file in lua/autorun/server and call it whatever you want it can be legit asshairs.lua, then paste
in the 1st line thats it
6. start the bitch up then you must have 1 idle player on the gmod server otherwise it will not show up with 128/128 spoofed players (this is a check shitpunch made to stop exploits) I dont want any credits for this just enjoy it and ill upload more shit in a bit like a redirect addon.