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Defunding Police

Submitted by EditName, , Thread ID: 174324

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RE: Defunding Police

17-11-2020, 10:12 PM
I think the rhetoric surrounding the "defund" thing has been cancerous. I get the whole talking point about "oh it's just diverting money into other areas to lighten the load" etc etc. But every single way that we would have better outcomes from any of the police forces requires spending MORE money and MORE energy there. I don't think many people understand the nuance behind a situation/topic like this and there is no easy solution. I think police have an insanely important role in society, and deserve to have excellent pay and benefits. But they also should be held to THE most rigorous standards imaginable. Make the job so attractive that Cops can be replaced by quality replacements quickly and easily. Remove the link between the DA and the Police. The police should be reviewed by an entity that has NO connection to their normal day to day. (essentially like a better version of internal affairs) But I admit I'm also talking out of my ass as I've never been involved in criminal justice in any capacity. But I don't think paying the police less will solve anything. Pay them MORE, and be more strict with regulations. Most cops ARE good cops, but this rhetoric has probably made more good cops wonder "what's the fucking point?"

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