If you're in a hurry, don't want to cook, don't have time, whatever, then one day hard boil a dozen eggs. Peel them when cool, and store in a plastic bag or container with lid.
In the morning, make a piece of whole grain and nut toast, use yogurt on it instead of butter or jam, and eat a hard boiled egg.
Slow release carbs, protein - healthy, not full of calories, low fat. If you're starving, have two eggs.
Some people make oatmeal in a large batch and refrigerate it, then either eat it cold (ew) or heat it in the morning. I prefer fresh made but some of my friends say it's just as good the next day.
The key to a good breakfast is being prepared. Make an entire pack of bacon in one day, then refrigerate and nuke two slices to have with your egg or make a quick BLT.