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COVID-19 Discussion Thread

Submitted by Photo, , Thread ID: 171823

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RE: COVID-19 Discussion Thread

04-12-2020, 01:33 PM
There have now been several global reports of babies born to women infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. The vast majority of these babies have not tested positive for the virus or experienced any breathing problems.
There have now been a few case reports which appear to show that the infection can pass from the pregnant woman to the unborn baby, across the placenta. In one report from France, a baby was born to a woman who became ill with COVID-19 in late pregnancy. Placenta and newborn samples tested positive for the virus. The baby developed some neurological symptoms three days after birth, but recovered well and was discharged from hospital. In another US report, a pregnant woman with diabetes contracted COVID-19, and again placental samples tested positive. The baby tested positive for the virus 1-2 days after birth and showed mild breathing problems but made a full recovery.
Cases of the virus being passed from pregnant women to their unborn babies appear to be rare. These two cases excluded the possibility of transfer of the virus after birth but in other reports, without thorough testing, whether the infection was passed on in the womb or after birth is less clear. Reassuringly, there are no reports of a newborn baby becoming seriously unwell from COVID-19.

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