1. Required addons Download one of the following addons of your choice:
1. Easy Bonemerge Tool
2. Model Manipulator, which is a bit easier to use, but it has fewer opportunities. (if you choose this, skip 3rd step)
2. Getting started Now spawn an NPC. I recommend you to use Combine soldier. Remember, not all of NPCs will work! Unfortunately, you can only make human ragdolls alive, so use a human NPC only. When encountering glitches, try another character. For example, spawn combine instead of citizen.
3. Changing colours Now take the Colour tool, then make an NPC Invisible. It's important, because otherwise you would see two models in one NPC. And watch him carefully, so he couldn't run away!
4. Spawning ragdoll Spawn ragdoll you want to make alive. For example I chose a Stalker!
5. Transforming! Now take Easy Bonemerge Tool (or Model Manupulator), Rightclick on spawned invisible NPC. Then leftclick on spawned ragdoll... Well done!
Done. Well, that's it! Your new NPC can be saved on a map or duplicated with no problem. Hope i helped you! Have fun.