cammyguy Wrote: Fortnite has remained fun and regularly updated since it came out. Every time I take a break and come back, there's always some fun new addition thrown in to spice up gameplay, as well as a whole host of new areas to explore. The map challenges and battle pass keep the game fresh and fun. I'm convinced that anyone who says the game is dead either has no idea what being a dead game means, or doesn't play it at all and is just saying it out of spite. Fortnite is clearly not dead, seeing a steady increase in players since it introduced Battle Royale, currently at 350 Million accounts, and at the time of writing this 6,609,937 players currently online. It actually embarrasses me to see people calling Fortnite dead, because it just isn't.
With no voice chat not only can I ask how you're sure of this, but I can also ask why does it matter? More 12yos would make the game easier, no?
Fortnite has voice chat. What're you on about lol.