News and Happenings

Trump is becoming very irrelevant very quickly

Submitted by yourwebsitesucks, , Thread ID: 189104

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RE: Trump is becoming very irrelevant very quickly

29-01-2021, 01:43 AM
Trump is becoming irrelevant very quickly because republicans are somewhat split on how to handle him, but can agree in one major way. Many republicans like Kelly Loeffler (who lost her senate race and then later that day after the insurrection, refused to protest the election like she said she would), are going back on their support of Trump considering the insurrection gives them a perfect out to say that they can't stand by what he incited. Then we have other republicans who stand by him and therefore are trying to keep him out of the public eye and out of the realm of conversation while he's being discussed in a court of law.

But both sets of republicans agree it is best to not focus on him anymore. Half of them want to hide with him and the other half want to run.

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