Gaming Discussions

Best Game Making Software?

Submitted by Unreal2000, , Thread ID: 115838

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RE: Best Game Making Software?

07-02-2021, 10:35 PM
Unity is beginner friendly if you find the right tutorials / resources online, and have some C# experience. Unity has a large community and you are most likely to find answers to your questions / bugs on sites like stack exchange, their official sites or other forums. This is because it's quite popular among solo/indie devs, thus there's vast resources / info out there. Their official Youtube channel also has plenty of helpful videos.

Unreal (for me anyways) feels like the more refined engine. I would say once you are prepared to get your hands a little more dirty with C++ you can try Unreal. I would say there's more tools to work with. It's quite handy in that there's already plenty of presets within the software itself for most type of games you want to create without having to fiddle with camera and character controllers etc from scratch. So its a bit more structured in a way that the free4all approach that Unity has (in no way saying that's bad for Unity here). If you are not a fan of coding, you have blueprints in Unity that allow you to build games with touching a piece of code (there's a learning code to it, but you can do so much with that).

I could go on about the pros / cons of each.

Another popular one that seems to be gaining ground are Godot. But I have only just briefly glanced at it, so cant comment on how good or bad it is.

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