Tones3D Wrote: And rumor has it that Valve gave him a whopping terrabyte of assets along with SOURCE 2
It's not a rumor, this is what they did any he confirmed it. However this is only bc they don't yet have a cleaned up Source 2 SDK like they do with Source 1 & Gold Source, so they made him sign an NDA and just gave him the whole development branch, complete with HL:A and Dota 2 assets, and probably even some for games that've been canned. He stated that he wouldn't be including any Valve assets in the game and including there own (In two styles, a realistic "rust" style and a cartoony style) as bundling the hl2 assets with gmod forced them to fork over like 60% of revenue or smthing.
It's looking really good so far, seriously can't wait.