20 Blueprints that make it easy to find, place, and modify assets
Spline Blueprints that allow great flexibility in the placement and shape of roads, sidewalks, and rooftops
130+ meshes designed for a modular workflow
Master materials and material instances that make it easy control the appearance of the meshes
Vertex-paintable materials for creating dirt and water accumulation
Texture Sizes:
1 at 4096x4096
244 at 2048x2048
57 smaller than 2048x2048
Collision: Yes, automatically generated Vertex Count: Mostly less than 2000, Max: 3919 LODs: Yes (List) Number of Meshes: 149 Number of Materials and Material Instances: 131 Number of Textures: 302 Supported Development Platforms: Windows Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows Documentation:Yes
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