4ger4ger Wrote: How viable is Aatrox jungle? I've picked him up again recently and gave him another shot and I absolutely love him but I'm not sure how viable he would be in the gold elo range.
Erhm, somehow I've never seen an Aatrox making an impact big enough to matter.
Thing is, every time I see an Aatrox in my team, I auto-dodge. No matter if he's an Aatrox one trick pony with 99% winratio.
But the most important thing is to play champions you like. I know one kid who got to challenger with Karthus adc. Another one did it with Teemo jungle.
It's not about is it viable enough, it's do you enjoy playing it enough to commit time and energy into learning the champion.
Find something you enjoy. Become an expert in it. And find ways to provide value to others with your skill. And you'll never have to worry about money.