Tents Tents are isolated areas in which the player can build his meth lab. Best used inside a house. Nothing better than a room inside a room. Every tent has a controllpanel which the player can use to change the light color, extinguish objects and remove the tent again.
Ventilation The ventilation machine moves the pollution (caused by the different machines when making meth) and outputs it where its exhaust pipe is.
Pollution System The pollution system handles which area of the map has how much pollution and scales the effect size and inflicted damage from that. Pollution evaporates over time. You can define which player is immune against the poison gas in the config
Storage Allows the player to buy chemicals and other equipment.
Furnace The Thorium Furnace is used to heat up acid. Depending on the temperature the acid is either being too cold to have any use or so hot that the machines will start burning (or even explode). The goal is it to keep the acid temperature in the green area. The longer the temperature is inside the green area the better is the quality later.
Mixer The Mixer machine is used to select the methtype that should be made. Depending on methtype the needed ingredients amount, production time and difficulty is different.