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Serious Is the nature of Society a hoax?

Submitted by Selene, , Thread ID: 18109

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RE: Is the nature of Society a hoax?

12-02-2016, 05:48 AM
I've always kind of thought along those lines, or at least had deep thoughts similar to that. I never really wanted to have an ordinary life like most people and be happy with a completely sedentary lifestyle driven only by the desire to get the next paycheck. I don't think it's right to be born into this world just to be put into a system that ultimately benefits those higher up and their lifestyles rather than those who make it possible. But of course, these systems are already in place, and in order to survive without being a criminal you need to follow said system. What I want to do in life is go to college for a Biology major (will come into play later) then enlist in the military and become a Corpsman/Medic. I want to see the world and humanity in general at it's best and worst, to see the world for what it really is and not what a government or new outlet tells me it is. Then I plan to come back after a decade or so and apply for med school, that way I can still live but help people and make a direct contribution that may save someone's life.
That's just my plans mixed in with my thoughts on this idea, but take it as you will.
[Image: tumblr_n7xmvwuvZ41tddjuxo1_500.gif]

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