
Looks? Or Personality?

Submitted by Moddy, , Thread ID: 156326

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RE: Looks? Or Personality?

28-07-2021, 05:53 AM
Personality all the way... and to tell you why, lets do a mental experiment: Suppose you are fully blind. How do you pick out a hot broad in a crowded bar? Well, you can't, at least not in the sense of choosing the same type of hotness from a sighted person's perspective. Now, at first glance, the easy counter argument is: well if the blind guy has been blind since birth, then he doesn't even know what hotness is. And that is somewhat of a valid argument. But now consider this: you were previously a fully sighted individual, fully aware of what a hot broad, in your opinion, looks like, and then due to say some military action, you became fully blind. You now find yourself chasing skirts in a crowded bar, but how do you pick the hot one? Is your only option just to not chase skirts? Of course not. You will still end up going after the one that is most appealing to you, but it will have nothing to do with looks, even though you know full well what a hot broad looks like.

The interesting thing here is that what's "appealing to us" has nothing to do with looks, whether you're fully sighted or fully blind. It is actually a mixture of pheromones and body language, the only difference is that people who are sighted, those who have a dependency on their vision, perceive this attraction as being predicated on looks. This is for the same reason that some men might find one broad attractive, while other men might find the same broad less attractive; it's all because individuals take in and process pheromones differently from one another.

Now, full disclosure this mental experiment is not my own, this was based on a study by Oxford University I believe. I had a friend who was fully blind back in Arizona, and one night he, and I and the boys went out to Hooters and one of our friends point blank asked him a very similar question and this is the rant that he went on. But I'll be honest, it makes a lot of sense.

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