I'm sorry. I think the worst thing to do is nothing. You sit around thinking about the same stuff over and over; it's like food that gets moldy because it's stagnated. Think about other things. Get outside. something that helps me with depression is going outside of my safe zone by going somewhere I haven't been and trying to meet people. the trick is to not think about it. you just do it. that way you don't let anxious thoughts get to you. It's like a focus. You don't think about whether you're going to make an ass out of yourself or if people will think you're weird, dumb whatever....it's not really about the outcome. It's that you pushed yourself to try something new and that in itself gives you a sense of accomplishment. It doesn't mean it won't take a lot out of you. I'm pretty introverted so groups of people can make me anxious *if I think about it*. It's important to not gaf what people think. At least don't think about it. this can help you get some distance from the history with your friend.