Zenith Wrote: I feel it was good to have one last of us. It was a masterpiece. Now they are gonna water down the franchise.
Just my opinion though...
The first one was a masterpiece indeed however I think it would be better if we actually saw the future eg. Ellie all grown up and more savage as hell. Basically like TWD but more detailed. I don't believe they'll water down the franchise. After number 2 I think they should leave it as that depending on how it turns out.
19-02-2016, 04:13 AM
Natsu Wrote: The first one was pretty damn good in my opinion.
Hopefully the second one will surpass the expectations
19-02-2016, 03:48 AM
Komoto Wrote: Could be good as long as they don't fuck it up to bad by selling out
It's got pretty big expectations and I highly doubt they'd sell out considering the first TLOU was a profit and major success with gamers and I highly doubt the developers would want to ruin that imo.
19-02-2016, 04:24 PM
Unbekanntz Wrote: I loved The Last of Us so i think i will like it too<3 ^^.