Minecraft Leaks

Vulcan Anti-Cheat | Advanced Cheat Detection | 1.7-1.17.1

Submitted by anhbo850, , Thread ID: 220746

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Active Member
01-10-2021, 01:58 PM
Spigot:Vulcan Anti-Cheat ( 20.00 USD )

Download:Here | Version: ( 2.2.6 )

[Image: e6a9f2281d33a2e9fe28062bf97aeec35a614e21...IIjDd9.png][font="droid sans", Arial, sans-serif][Image: c0c4bc23e91a34686d71294e00ca1080d9efe862...rM1FR7.jpg][/font]
[font="droid sans", Arial, sans-serif]Vulcan is an advanced cheat detection system that operates at the packet level with version support for 1.7 all the way to 1.17.1.

By default, Vulcan acts silently and does not 'prevent' the player from cheating, but simply observes their actions and flags for things out of the vanilla boundaries (through the configuration certain checks are able to be turned to 'setback' to actively prevent players from cheating)

[Image: c4571df384b97c5bb47222b03ee9625c4eb1fb0e...CuxopR.jpg]
[font="droid sans", Arial, sans-serif]We have the best support of any plugin on this website, as our hundreds of customers will tell you.Tickets are responded to in minutes (mostly instantly) as long as a staff member is awake. We have staff members in all time zones, ensuring that there is always someone who can help you. False positives and bypasses are fixed within minutes and updates are put out as soon as possible when issues are found.No more waiting months for an update and days for a response from a support team.[/font]
[font="droid sans", Arial, sans-serif]
[font="droid sans", Arial, sans-serif]Vulcan has the most extensive configuration file and API of any anti-cheat on this website, and others.Practically every part of Vulcan is configurable, so you can set it up exactly how you want.

[font="droid sans", Arial, sans-serif]Simple[/font]
[font="droid sans", Arial, sans-serif]No need to spend money on a fancy configuration or an additional addon, Vulcan simply works as-is.
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