Webmaster Security

Website Currently under DoS Attack

Submitted by Strange Leader, , Thread ID: 18186

Thread Closed

RE: Website Currently under DoS Attack

Web Designer and Server Admin
29-02-2016, 09:12 PM
Okay this going to be a long post on how to stop big DDoS attacks

1. Ban the User Agents

Find the user agents they are using to connect to your server. Some botnets will have similar user so take advantage of that. Use fail2ban or any other ip limiting system to ban the user agents. Use a wildcard.

2. Limit connection per ip

You could limit the connect per ip down to like 1 per 5 seconds. This will definitely effect the DDoS attack.

3. Simply ban the ips

You've been under attack for 16 hours. Get all IPs that have been hitting or pinging your server more than 5-10 hours and ban the ip from the server using fail2ban.

4. Mitigate it

Get another server to take the load. Your server doesn't have to take the hit if you have another server to take the hit instead.

5. Finally get a proper firewall

It can even be a Digitalocean server that is acting as a firewall. I have 3 layers on my site. It goes like this. Cloudflare ---> Firewall ---> Site
I change the name server to Cloudflare on the domain registrar, then from Cloudflare I point all my DNS records to my firewall. Then on my firewall I redirect them to my server IP. Therefore it goes through 2 layers before even reaching my origin server. Also make your firewall unpingable.

Might be some spelling or grammar mistakes, I'm very tired.

Try this and good luck.

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