A bit late for that but I've recently seen some old youtube clips and my god do I miss the old items. The new items aren't even bad, but why do they have to remove the old stuff when they want to put in new stuff? DotA has sooo many items compared to League, and while I do agree that League is better than DotA (mainly when it comes to gameplay tbh) some stuff DotA definitely does better and Items is one of those. Did you know there's an item in DotA that changes its effect based on what champion buys it? That's right they coded an item to behave differently for ever. single. champion in the game. And Riot? Oh it's too hard to nerf Immortal Shieldbow for melees only so we'll just leave it like that. Fucking joke. I also miss being able to build 2x, 3x or even 6x of the same item. Why am I locked out of it now? Takes some of the fun away from stuff like URF when it's around.