Garry's Mod Leaks

[REQUESTED] Anti-Crash (Performance Booster)

Submitted by asdadfat, , Thread ID: 233627

Thread Closed
05-02-2022, 08:08 PM
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Stop losing players today! Introducing the first fully automated anti-crash system including admin tools and performance boosting features to stop those annoying crashers from ruining your player count.[/font]

[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif][font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]
[b]Performance Guarantee[/b]
In order to guarantee results anti-crash has been developed on a popular pure vanilla sandbox server reducing [b]20-30 crashes each day to 0 crashes[/b].
There could still be rare crashes caused by engine bugs or improper configured server hosting software.

[b]How does it work?[/b][/font]
  • Anti-Crash constantly monitors your server's loss of performance to predict incoming crashes and monitors all entities for weird or out of bounds behaviors to stop collision and map exploit crashes.

  • the system automatically patches several exploits, reduce physics performance impact, and has its own netrate limiter.

  • Anti-Crash automatically prevents lag and crashes the way you configured it in the settings.

  • The toolgun and prop spammers can say goodbye to spamming their ropes, props, and all other annoying toolgun mechanics that ruin the fun for others.

  • The system gives out flags to players for triggering the system and admins have the tools needed to monitor those players with the sleek admin interface menu that allows them to have full control over anyone's props and ability to spawn and toolgun.

  • Players love workshop dupes, no need to disable them any longer, dupes are filtered on spawn disabling those crash dupes and any models not installed on the server will not spawn to avoid error model spammers (no one likes errors).

  • Track your server's performance combined with other useful stats, so you know what the general bottleneck of your servers performance is.

  • Can't be bothered to check player per player? No problem, toggle global Entity Vision and see all player owned entities trough walls to find out instantly what is happening around you.

  • The anti-crash will broadcast all events in console to any staff members that you allowed for easy monitoring without even having to open the menu.

  • Want more details? Check out the features tab!
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif][font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]
[b]Administration Tools[/b]:[/font]
  • FAdmin

  • sAdmin

  • SAM

  • Server Guard

  • ULX

  • XAdmin
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif][font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]
[b]Prop protections: [/b][/font]
  • APG - Anti Prop Griefing & Crash Protection

  • Falco's Prop Protection (FPP)

  • PCS - Prop Control System

  • PatchProtect

  • Simple Prop Protection (SPP)

  • gProtect - Prop Protection Reinvented
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif][font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]
[b]Why not use a free workshop anti-crash?[/b]
Sure, go ahead and use a poorly optimized anti-crash like crident's that will most definitely not stop the players intended to crash your server and blacklists half the available props...

[b]I have prop protection X do I need an anti-crash?[/b]
Some prop protections like gProtect have anti-crash related features but those are only a small part of what this anti-crash does to prevent crashes.
That's why Anti-Crash is fully compatible with most if-not all prop protection systems to get you that anti-crash guarantee!

Drag and drop in `...\GarrysMod\garrysmod\addons\`

All content will automatically be downloaded from the workshop.
* Size: 1mb

Suggestions for new features & improvements are always welcome.

Find any bugs? Let me know and they will be fixed asap!

[b]Special Thanks[/b]
Sleepy <3

[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]FEATURES[/font]

[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif][b]Admin Tools[/b][/font]
  • Track server performance

  • Manage users

  • Entity vision

  • More information in #Menu
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]
  • Detects lag spikes

  • Selection of measures to automatically remove lag

  • Backup final resort automatic measure in-case of critical lag

  • Automatic entity freezer

  • Tries to find the player responsible for the lag

  • Removes the engine lag when removing many props with tons of constraints
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]
[b]Crazy Physics[/b][/font]
  • Freezes entities with abnormal physics

  • Removes abnormal entities that the engine fails to remove
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]
[b]Out Of Bounds[/b][/font]
  • Removes entities that are out of bounds to prevent glitched map crashes
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]
[b]Collision Control[/b][/font]
  • Removes entities deemed lag dangerous
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]
[b]Anti Spam[/b][/font]
  • Delays prop spammers

  • Blocks annoying rope spammers
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]
  • Blocks invalid models from being spawn (popular error dupes)

  • Blocks glitched entities (segmentation crash)

  • Protects constraint module (error overflow crashes)

  • Freezes entities on spawn

  • Ghosts entities on spawn

  • All events get logged (data folder)
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]
  • ApplyForce patch

  • Blackscreen patch

  • ChatClear patch

  • ModelScale patch

  • SetAngles/SetPos patch

  • Fading Door post processing patch

  • Netrate limiter
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]
  • Offenders get flagged by the system for various actions

  • Flags can be seen in the manage users menu to find abusers
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]
[b]Auto Cleaner[/b][/font]
  • Stops looping sounds

  • Cleans decals

  • Removes ragdolls
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]
[b]Workshop Dupes[/b][/font]
  • Disable workshop dupes

  • Limit the amount of props in a dupe

  • Ghost entities

  • Freeze entities

  • No-collide neighboring entities
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]
[b]Advanced Duplicator[/b][/font]
  • Disable adv dupes

  • Limit the amount of props in an adv dupe

  • Ghost entities

  • Freeze entities

  • No-collide neighboring entities
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]
[b]Multi Language [/b][/font]
  • Automatically detects language

  • Notifications, warnings and logs are all translated in the language of the end user

[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]MENU[/font]

[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]The menu can be opened by Superadmins and Menu Admins.
[b]Chat[/b]: '!anticrash'
[b]Console[/b]: 'anticrash_open'
[b]How does it look[/b]: screenshots can be found in the slideshow

[b]Track Performance[/b][/font]
  • Lag
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]The amount of delay in time between server and client represented on a scale of 1-100[/font]
  • Collisions
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]The total amount of collisions originating from all player created entities[/font]
  • Props
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]The total amount of props[/font]
  • Frozen Props
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]The total amount of frozen props (not represented on graph)[/font]
  • NPCS
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]The total amount of npcs[/font]
  • Vehicles
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]The total amount of vehicles being driven by players[/font]
  • Players
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]The total amount of players on the server[/font]
  • Uptime
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]The time the has been up and running[/font]
  • Entities
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]The total amount of entities[/font]
  • Spawned
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]The total amount of spawned entities[/font]
  • FPS
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Your fps[/font]
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]The server tickrate[/font]
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Runs the preconfigured anti-lag measures

[b]Manage Users[/b][/font]
  • Control ability to spawn props

  • Entity vision (see players' entities trough walls)

  • Freeze entities

  • Remove entities
[font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]
[b]Global Management[/b][/font]
  • Entity vision (see all the player owned entities on the map)

  • Reset map

  • Remove entities

  • Freeze entities

  • No-collide entities (no-collides all entities owned by the same player)

  • Remove entities per type

    [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]CONSOLE COMMANDS[/font]

    [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]The console commands can be executed by Superadmins and Menu Admins.
    [b]List all commands[/b]: 'anticrash help'
    [b]Extra[/b]: additional cleanup types will automatically generate a cleanup command 'anticrash <cleanupType>'

    • anticrash AdvDupe2 - Remove AdvDupe2

    • anticrash antilagmeasures - RUN ANTI-LAG MEASURES

    • anticrash balloons - Remove balloons

    • anticrash buttons - Remove buttons

    • anticrash cameras - Remove cameras

    • anticrash constraints - Remove constraints

    • anticrash duplicates - Remove duplicates

    • anticrash dynamite - Remove dynamite

    • anticrash effects - Remove effects

    • anticrash emitters - Remove emitters

    • anticrash freezeall - Freeze Entities

    • anticrash hoverballs - Remove hoverballs

    • anticrash info - Print server info to console

    • anticrash lamps - Remove lamps

    • anticrash lights - Remove lights

    • anticrash nocollide - Remove nocollide

    • anticrash nocollideall - No-Collide Entities

    • anticrash npcs - Remove npcs

    • anticrash props - Remove props

    • anticrash ragdolls - Remove ragdolls

    • anticrash removeall - Remove Entities

    • anticrash resetmap - Reset Map

    • anticrash ropeconstraints - Remove rope constraints

    • anticrash sents - Remove sents

    • anticrash textscreens - Remove textscreens

    • anticrash thrusters - Remove thrusters

    • anticrash trails - Remove trails

    • anticrash vehicles - Remove vehicles

    • anticrash wheels - Remove wheels
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]CONFIGURATION[/font]
    [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif][b]Location:[/b] 'z_anticrash_vX\lua\z_anticrash\settings.lua'

  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]The language the server console messages should be displayed in
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Automatically remove entities that have dangerous collision counts
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Amount of collisions within 0.5 seconds before the entity is considered dangerous
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Time window in seconds to search for offenders when the anti-lag measures kick in
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Block faulty npcs from being spawn
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Block ropes from being connected to the world
    • BLOCKSPAMMERS (true)
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Block spammers by adding a small delay between spawning entities and toolgunning
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Delay in seconds between spawning entities and toolgunning
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Block unprecached models
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Freeze objects when spawned
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Ghost objects when spawned
    • AUTOFREEZE (false)
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Freeze all entities every X minutes
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Delay between freezes in minutes

    [b]Graph (menu)[/b]
    • UPDATEDELAY (0.5)
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Delay between graph updates in seconds
    • TIMEWINDOW (60)
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Timewindow of the graph
    • ALWAYSUPDATE (true)
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Update graph data even when the menu is closed
    • MAXPROPS (1000)
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Estimate of props before the server start lagging
    • MAXNPCS (150)
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Estimate of nps before the server starts lagging
    • MAXVEHICLES (100)
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Estimate of vehicles that are being driven before the server start lagging

    [b]Auto Cleaner [/b]
    • ENABLE (true)
    • DELAY (600)
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Delay in seconds between cleaning
    • CMDS (sound, decals, ragdolls)
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Commands/Functions that the cleaner should run

    [b]Lag Fix Measures[/b]
    • DELAY (3)
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Amount of time in seconds before the lag should be fixed
    • CLEANMAP (false)
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Reset the map completely
    • REMOVEENTS (false)
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Remove all player created entities
    • FREEZEENTS (true)
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Freeze all player created entities
    • NOCOLLIDEENTS (true)
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]No Collide all ents created by the same player
    • REVERTCHANGES (true)
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Remove all entities created X amount of minutes before the server lag
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]All entities placed in the last X amount of minutes will be removed
    • STUCK (3)
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Amount of lag fixes before the lag is considered stuck
    • STUCKTIME (120)
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Time window for the lag stuck in seconds
    • STUCKCLEANMAP (true)
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Should the map be reset if the lag is stuck

    [b]Crazy Physics[/b]
    • FREEZE (true)
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Freeze entities with crazy physics
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Remove entities that have been frozen before
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]After how many tries should the entity be removed?

    [b]Out Of Bounds[/b]
    • REMOVE (true)
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Remove out of bounds entities
    • DELAY (true)
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Delay in seconds to check for out of bounds entities
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Entities that will not be removed when out of bounds
  • [font="Hind Vadodara", sans-serif]Same as above but compares using the start of the class name

    [b]Workshop & Advanced Dupes[/b][/font]

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