Powerful Wrote: I was looking into getting one for college work. I've found out that they're quite limited but if you don't need it for many things, like school work, it can be good. It runs on the Chrome OS I know that. I'm interested in seeing what other people say about it, since I'm still interested in getting one.
I recommend getting one, they're very cheaper but if your looking for work only then it's perfect.
Yeah. I'm not sure whether I should get 2gb of RAM or 4gb. It'd literally just be for work, so not sure whether 4gb would be necessary.
4gb if you want to put Linux on it and play games
Oh, I probably wouldn't put Linux on it, so probably best if I went for the 2gb. Thanks for the quick replies man.
No problem and you can still put Linux on the 2gb
Also I recommend getting an SD card because Chromebooks usually have sub-20gb storage