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COVID-19 Discussion Thread

Submitted by Photo, , Thread ID: 171823

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RE: COVID-19 Discussion Thread

25-05-2022, 09:43 AM
21-05-2022, 11:46 AM
hgjhkvb456 Wrote:
is there Anybody with long covid?

I've had Covid twice: once literally right when it hit the public eye and then again in February of this year. First time lasted forever, "long covid" it now seems. Was out of commission for 2-3 months, and my wife was as well. Vaccinated, double boosted, and then again I got Omicron in February, 2 years later. While alpha Covid felt only like a typical respiratory illness to me (I've had the flu once, and it was comparable though longer-lasting), this recent bout of Omicron had me writing letters to my loved ones. I literally thought my lungs were going to explode. And I have a high pain tolerance.. typically don't even mention being sick. I have been married since 2017 and even reached out to an old girlfriend of mine, from WAY back (2014) who I wanted to confess something to. LOL Told her I was sorry for not being honest with her and that I wasn't doing well with Covid, so I would feel better to get that off my chest (it was actually a somewhat big deal, yes worth confessing 8 years later, even to an ex, and suprisingly she was tempered in her response, even after I recovered).

I was honestly too sick to even to to the hospital or tell my wife. I called my son and said I hope he had a great day at school and I would see him next weekend. I didn't want anyone to worry. She went into work and I slipped into unconsciousness, had no water for 2 days, and was woken up by EMS saying I had a BP of 90/52 and a pulse of 187 (keep in mind I lift weights, am 5'9" and a lean 185, and my resting pulse is 63.) They put me me on that new antiviral, and even though I only had use of 4% of my lungs I asked to not be intubated. (Similar thing happened to me the only time I had pneumonia). Fortunately no family was there; I hate people feeling bad for me! My wife had gone home to get a bathroom kit and I told her I'd be discharged soon and to get some sleep. I watched a video of my dad and I playing golf in high school on my phone -- over and over. It was the only video I had. I thought what better way to die than watching my dad's pure swing, and us laughing durin better times. I felt bad for not calling him or my mother, but I know how much anxiety she gets, and I hate to cause my dad any stress.

Anyway, by the NEXT day (Friday), I was out of bed. That whole bout of covid lasted all of 4.5 days. My oxygen was back up to 91 from 80 the prior day, and although I still tested positive, I headed over to a hampton inn to self-isolate and get some work done. The next day I tested negative, and O2 was back at 98.

I was on the golf course by Saturday and in the gym Saturday night. Some crazy shit, this Covid. I definitely am more grateful these days for the life I have.

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