Garry's Mod Leaks

SwiftAC [LEAK]

Submitted by iilyu_xandro, , Thread ID: 243879

Thread Closed
04-06-2022, 01:24 PM
Download: Click!
No bug with HUD!

SwiftAC is the way of keeping cheaters of your server. It's easily installed and configured, giving you a way larger level of protection that Garry's Mod by default does not offer your server.

Discord (kinda unofficial): [disallowed website]
SwiftAC - Completing the puzzle


(this is based on one of my older ACs)

(for C++ shit, modern pay 2 cheats, C++ cheats, etc use LSAC)

(LSAC and SwiftAC are compatible)

What makes this different from the LSAC and others?
LSAC is fully coded from scratch and should catch lots of hacks (Lua or C++, even some Externals etc) Using new detection methods

LSAC is able to detect more than just Lua hacks, in turn, keeping more cheaters off of your servers.

SwiftAC was made to complement LSAC and is focused on catching Lua cheats. SwiftAC was made to detect clientside Lua-based cheats like ESP which LSAC can break but not detect. Both of these are powerful on their own, but together they're a fierce blaze.
How does it impact server performance?

SwiftAC has most of its scanning on the client and thus the effect is spread out across server and client.

Easy to install, drag & drop
Doesn't need any configuration
Instant detection for plenty of lua cheats

What are some cheats it could detectz?

Huggis Crapy Aimbot
Yeesawn hack

What do I need to run SwiftAC?

Just a server! It is as easy as extracting the addon, dropping it into your addons folder, and restarting your server. Incase you have issues, read the entire description Smile
Where are cheater logs

In your servers data/swiftac/ folder
I have issue/false detections!

Look in data/swiftac/ and disable the affected detection. Then (MAYBE) make a support ticket or add me on steam and PLEASE include the log. If it's about a detection, disable the affected detection for now (that's why the settings are there) and write a ticket INCLUDING the log. Certain addons using e.g. functions to run code within code (RunString etc.) /can/ cause issues.

This mainly detects cheats loaded within the so called "client lua state"
what will it not detect

This detects cheats when they're loaded but this does not work for C++ cheats / cheats which run code outside of the so called "client lua state". This does not have behavioural scans, so unlike with LSAC stuff like externals can not be detected by this.
Will this detect EPIC EXPLOIT L33T KIT 1337

This might be able to prevent the loading of the "epic exploit kit". However, since the fault comes from YOU installing EXPLOITABLE addons on YOUR server (think of it like viruses on a PC), smart kids may still be able to exploit your server.

Most of you server owners put random shit on your server from e.g. the workshop and wonder why you end up getting exploited - it's your fault.

Using too many random addons is the same as if you were running millions of random executeables and wondering why you're getting viruses. And yes, even with a antivirus you WOULD get viruses that way.

You can try protecting yourself against some exploits by buying this guys addon

If you have any problems, open a ticket.
dude you'll totally abandon the script

if you previously bought a abandoned script of mine just contact me and you might get a new one for free, so dont cry

Settings are in sv_swiftac.lua
Hooks (for Devs)

current hooks:


part of TOS:

Your access can get removed if;

you're a cheater
you're being dumb
you're leaking it
you bought it to help cheaters improve their cheats
you are a cheater trying to improve his/her cheat

By purchasing and/or using this you also agree to;

the possibility of leakers getting punished on your server
not leak the script and incase you do, face possible punishments
data being processed from external sources

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