xNala Wrote: Is Xenforo that much better than IPS that you switched?
I've always preferred IPS stuff.
I'm afraid it's really a matter of taste. I stayed in it for a few months and I felt that it is very fluid, even more so than the IPS on my website, but of course, that's what I see. I'm afraid the difference for me between them would be that XenForo has greater plugin compatibility as their updates take longer and generally don't break plugins. I had a little difficulty at first but I can edit everything according to my interests. I don't regret it, but as I said, it's a matter of taste, you can't say that one is better than the other, both are great, I recommend testing both on localhost and seeing which one is better for your use. As for this same platform, I started to develop and translate to PT-BR, if anyone is interested I can send it, it's not complete but it's a start for Brazilians.