Game Engine and Assets Leaks

Websites with leak UE4

Submitted by Cheroke98, , Thread ID: 221324

Thread Closed

RE: Websites with leak UE4

Closed Account
08-06-2022, 12:25 PM
This post was last modified: 08-06-2022, 01:25 PM by Deleted_320958
08-06-2022, 12:11 PM
Perdolio Wrote:
Obviously the best and largest of the free forums is this one. Everything else pales in comparison to it. You can get almost everything absolutely free, for this you just need to be active. Almost all well-known forums drag everything from there. There are even users like "ThreeDPanda", a small-hearted human who takes everything for free and tries to sell. All just to get at least a few shekels, hungry Asian children always want to eat. Today, an asset worth $1500 was posted there for free. But don't worry, the panda will say "she bought this asset" and sell it to you at a discount. :D

Yougame has not even 4k assets, let alone 6k+. They are old news for years. You can keep trying to sales trash but thanks we are better than ever. AND you have to sign up for paid membership to get the good stuff there. I am truly amazed you think it's anywhere near as good as a much larger library AND no limits with reactions/messages access.

Keep up the bad work of trying to keep people away from me, you are doing marketing for me and I am grateful for that :-)

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