I've been asked to reupload Brick's Essentials so here's the latest version. I haven't checked for anything so that's on you.
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Important: Add https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/f...2136421687 to your server's addons Extract the "bricks-essentials" folder into your server's addons folder Edit the few config options in "bricks-essentials/lua/bricks_server/bricks_server_luacfg_essentials.lua" Restart your server To edit the config you need to be ingame and use either the F4 menu or type "!bricksserver"
Ensure that you first have Mysqloo installed (v.9) Set "BRICKS_SERVER.LUACONFIG.UseMySQL" to true in the lua config Go to"bricks-essentials/lua/bricks_server/bricks_essentials/sv_mysql.lua" and enter your MySQL database details Save the modified files and restart the server
Xenin Inventory: to import from Xenin Inventory make sure you still have the Xenin Addon installed then put this command "bricks_server_import_xenin" in your server's console, you can then remove the Xenin Inventory. Itemstore: to import Itemstore inventory make sure you still have Itemstore installed and then put the command "bricks_server_import_itemstore" in your server's console, you can then remove Itemstore from your server.
The zone editor can be accessed by typing "brs_zone_editor" in your client console The bricks server menu can be accessed by typing "bricksserver" in your client console