We've got a few new super cheap Instagram services, these are also tested and are indeed instant: 1625 - Instagram Followers [5K] [Instant - 5K/D] - $0.05 1626 - Instagram Followers [20K] [Instant - 20K/D] - $0.06 1623 - Instagram Likes [30K] [Instant - 10K/D] - $0.021
Twitter AUTO category has also been implemented, expect TikTok tomorrow as well! A few of the Twitter AUTO services are: 1611 - Twitter AUTO Likes [5K] [Instant - 5K/D] - $0.55 1612 - Twitter AUTO Retweets [5K] [Instant - 5K/D] - $0.55 1618 - Twitter AUTO Video Views [100M] [1H - 1M/D] - $0.005
And finally, Instagram targeted likes have been fully implemented!