Features of HTTP-CUSTOM: Request method: GET/POST GET, Send the data as a GET request POST, Send the data as a post request (Unless Request URL is set)
Attack modes: Browser: Sends attacks using the browsers them self, allowing for HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2.0 or HTTP/3.0 requests to be sent depending on the web server (Best for bypassing)
Socket: Opens the target with browsers to collect cookie data to send a socket based attack that results in high "RPS" doing this results in attacks being blocked easier.
User Agents: All/Desktop/Mobile All, uses a mix of both Desktop and mobile user agents Desktop, uses only common currently used Desktop user agents Mobile, uses only common currently used Mobile user agents
Wait: 0/3/5/10/15 Wait X amount of seconds before collecting cookie data (If sockets type is enabled) or flooding (If browser type is enabled)
Rand Query: True/False (Only recommended to be enabled for Cloudflare targets when using Socket type) True, sends a random query string with each request with a random length between 5 to 25 (Example: www.test.com/?345er6tfgy7uhijn65r4t7gyh8uij67tgy) False, turns this off
Cookies: Cookie data (Will overlap data sent with sockets mode, don't use if you are using sockets mode)
Forced User Agent: Forces the user agent to whatever is set this bypasses what is set on the "User Agents" argument.
Browser Multiplier: Sets the speed that the Browser type will send requests, recommended to not go over 5.
Request URL: This changes the Target URL to a GET request, and allows you to send a POST request to a secondary URL (Request URL). Example below: ------------------------------------------------ Target: https://website.com/login Request method: POST Request URL: https://api.website.com/login Post data: username=%RAND10%&password=%RAND10% ------------------------------------------------ This will send a GET request to https://website.com/login and then send POST data to https://api.website.com/login with the post data above.
Post data: Set the POST data such as %RAND%/%RAND10%
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