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Submitted by +rep, , Thread ID: 20881

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btc/pp for agc
03-05-2016, 06:08 AM
This post was last modified: 03-05-2016, 06:09 AM by +rep
Of course I'm not going to tell you how to live your life, but I feel that some of need this.

Hey guys, I know many of us don't actually give a shit about the real world, and that's why many of us frequent internet type forums. As someone who is relatively deep into their college career, I can't help but to reflect my life and see the similarities in many of you. Many of us weren't the most "popular" people around, hell, many peoplecan't count their closest friends on a single hand. That's okay. Seriously, you don't need to fit in; you need people who want to be near you. I see a lot of people complaining about what life is for them, how it could be different, and how things aren't turning out to be the way one wants it to be. That's okay - I'll try to enlighten you with some tips that you'll inevitably find later on in life.

First things first:

1. Fitness.It's VERY important that you maintain a standard for yourself. Sure beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, but as a majority of this forum are mostly prepubescent teenagers, it's best you learn this early on. Fitness doesn't mean lifting the heaviest weights and turning into Mr. Olympia size. You can stay in shape by doing light weights, cardio, toning, etc. But why? Fitness allows you to maintain a balance in your life. You learn what health is, you learn the importance of sleep, of dieting, and the benefits that come with it: confidence, posture, eye contact, etc. It's basically everything that keeps you from approaching a female (reaching out to the wider male audience here). Fitness also puts you in an elite category in your high school considering the majority of kids your age don't give a flying fuck. That puts you at an edge for experience that will be valuable later on in life. Some people start with 4s, others start with 8s. Your call. Oh, and the overall quality of energy, cleared acne, etc. seems like it's worth it!

2. Confidence.Along with Fitness comes confidence. Your testosterone levels peak. You will get horny as fuck. Stop jerking off for a week - you will approach more girls that day than you did in your entire life. If someone tries to put you down, you look them in the eye and make it clear you're the alpha. Nobody is born a leader. Everyone achieves it one way or another. Inspiration is a great precursor to success in this world. Remain inspired.

3. Associations.In High School I cared only about my image - who I associated with, who I would be seen with, etc. I was a very shallow person. As a result, I didn't really enjoy high school to the fullest. Take advantage of what you have and learn to meet new people. It is a very skill to be able to network. That's what the world is made up of. Make friends with people who are motivated. You want to surround yourself with the most capable people who will challenge you in the best ways possible. This is what makes great success stories. People who you surround yourself with define you.

4. Attitude.View everything as a challenge. You want to conquer it. Put your mind towards it and achieve it. The dumbest kids can be the smartest kids if they tried. It is NEVER too late to try. Explore your interests and pursue them. Be persistent. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

5. Fun.You're young. Go enjoy yourself. Explore yourself. Be mature and be respectful. You don't get the chance to be young again.Make friends that last a lifetime. Make good choices and be proud of who you are. Don't ever tolerate people who put you down - you don't need to be around them. Ever. They're assholes and they'll go nowhere.You get the last laugh.

6. Parents.This should be the most important. Growing up can be a struggle. With parentsyou have to be honest. They know what you went through, they want to help. Hear them out. Sure they can be annoying as hell, but they're you just a few decades older. They know. Believe me, they know. Don't try to hide things. An open relationship with your parents will give you a lot of trust. Remember though, once you break it, it will takes years to earn again.Be a kid, but don't be a dumb kid. I wish I could wake up everyday and see my parents. I love them and will greatly miss the years that I spent being the biggest asshole. There was a lot of stuff I ignored that I later learned the hard way on my own. It's imperative you are understanding. That's what maturity is.

7. Priorities. School comes before fun. Until you finish your work, don't even think about pleasure. Once you adapt to a strict schedule, watch the changes in your life. It becomes much, much better. Be dedicated.

I could go on and on, but justremember, be the best person you can be.You'll attract the best people. There are no shortcuts in life -work towards what you want to do, whether it's legal or illegal, and give it your best. Never have the thoughts of what could've been. Never let that linger in your mind. It hurts. Follow your passions.

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