NOTE: Only 5.1 - Scene Capture 2D not capturing opacity. Make sure you set it to epic in scalability settings otherwise it will not work. Here is a link explaining why it is not working.
Data Table
Playable Demo
Lyra Starter + Weapon Customization
Update 1.1 - Purchase System! (NEW)
Easy to add to your weapon blueprints using the interface and component if you already have a shooting system!
Weapon, Attachment, and Skin Material are handled through a Data Table.
Customize dynamically for all widget buttons. Able to change which weapon categories in the loadout menu using the widget switcher and you will be able to move around attachment categories buttons.
Automatic save when a weapon is equipped, or attachments are changed.
Documentation includes how to load weapons to your character and understanding how to use the Data Table, Interface and Component.
Technical Details Features: (Please include a full, comprehensive list of the features of the product)
100% Blueprint Drag and drop to your level Fully Customizable UI Save and Load Systems Weapon Categories (2 different UI) Loadout Menu Weapon Viewer with or without Render Target 3 weapons (Skeletal Mesh) 10 attachments (Static Mesh)