I usually start working on something when I get a good idea or concept, then everything feels more natural and goes better. I don't use any frameworks, I'd love to learn JS because it's pretty useful in web design, makes stuff a lot more interactive. I started learning it but didn't get far due to school and poor time management. I usually work on dark designs, I'm more used to them and pleases my eyes more. I usually use Brackets since it has a good looking design, there are tons of plugins, great workflow and tons of themes. Oh and live development mode.
I also copy other peoples designs for learning purposes, as in look at it and try to replicate it. I don't claim it as my own though. When I start designing something I don't plan it out, I don't search for colors nor make a mockup, I start working on it with the picture in my head. I don't see the need really. I do get ideas from other designs but I don't copy the code or make it exactly as I see, that just ruins the whole creative point for me. Usually my designs take from 20 minutes to 2 hours, full out themes months. I'm an perfectionist when it comes to designing, if I have to I'll scrap it all.
Going to an IT school in ~3 months which also has a web design course but I don't really know anything about it and it starts like 2 years before graduation so don't really know what to expect. I like working on designs for the fact that everything happens right before my eyes, that makes it more logical and simpler in a way.