Description: This addon displays DarkRP door information such as the title, owner, and co-owners using 3D2D text on doors.
Prerequisites You will need DarkRP 2.5.x and up. This does not work with older versions of DarkRP. | You should already have 2.5 up. if you are using 2.5.x lower please consider updating your darkrp.
Customizable colors on doors.
Fading animation when approaching, walking away, and expanding the list of co-owners.
Places the display on (almost) any surface, not just doors.
Co-owners list is shown by just hovering over the door.
How to install the mod? Extract The Zip to garrysmod/addons. It contains the original ReadMe, if you need any help.
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NulledBB Contributor Just here to help out and contribute in any way.