
A Dislike Button

Submitted by url, , Thread ID: 266115

RE: A Dislike Button

Forum Janitor
06-06-2023, 12:29 AM
04-06-2023, 09:29 PM
url Wrote:
Genuinely for ages, it would've been nice to thumbs down LQ posts! Though, you want to go for a positive & mature community, I think having this would be great. It would also be good in the leak sector or any type of sector where users are asking for ratings/opinions.

It would be a great feature & I think if we were to test it out for a month, it would have positive feedback as it doesn't harm anyone & it just gives users an eye-opener to LQ posts & to avoid them.

I agree it would be good in multiple ways including general usage but also as an anti-leech mechanic too.

05-06-2023, 02:38 PM
Pixal Wrote:
A dislike button would be really efficient and essential, 'cause from time to time we can unintentionally click on the heart for a mistake. There are also cases where we enjoy thinking that there's what we want, but when we see it, most of the time, there's nothing or the link is broken, and doesn't work. This happened to me a few days ago, I went looking for a cracked program, I liked it, and when I went to see the program, it had been removed from the site, so that is… I lost one like for nothing and I only have two, so this caused me a bit of confusion in sadness, 'cause it's just two likes that I have daily. I like something thinking there's something, and there isn't. It's kind of disappointing.

To be honest with this one you can always open a ticket by clicking Support. Send us the thread you unlocked and we'll validate the download link no longer works, we'll then issue a credit refund in line with this since you've used credits to unlock it. I believe you can remove the likes you've added?

Edit: Liked a post and cannot remove that like.
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