Nasyr Wrote: But the first thing you seen was about a Supreme giveaway lol.
I saw someone quoting it, so I went up and quoted it and told you that you should give it to me directly because I don't have supreme and I'll liek.. try to win n shtuff..
so ye...
Totally seems legit :hurr:not sure why you aren't Supreme anyways?
because when I actually had enough, I didn't want it because it would of been a waste.
I still won't upgrade myself if and or when I have the money to do so.
So I'd rather just win it in a contest.
Plus, I only have prime because I won a contest Infinity had when NBB was re-starting.
Pretty much I'll never buy a forum upgrade.
I didn't buy a upgrade on leakforums when I was on leakforums either.