Since one of the rules for testing the server was to be active, there will be open slots soon. Within the week, more slots will be opened and invites will be sent to test. Please testers, if you want to test then at least stay active.
New Server Spawn A new server spawn is in the works. So far, it looks great! Aoki is a really solid builder. Alongside this, I am building a marketplace-type city where players can interact peacefully without having to have to be at spawn. This will also be a good distance from spawn, allowing players to create faction bases around a useful area. If all goes well, multiple will be built for map expansion. Many of the server's interactive community features will take place at spawn and in these cities.
Stability Achieved The rogue crashing bug that plagued the server has been resolved successfully. The server should no longer be crashing at an alarming rate, and has not crashed since the fixes have been implemented (roughly 4 days).