✅We have improved the ban system (https://teleg.run/CG_AbuseDomain_bot) of competitors, their domains are dying faster and harder. ✅We added work with pictures to HelperBot (https://teleg.run/cggenerator_bot). ✅Mobile Antidetect and software for work were presented for the Legends. ✅We have improved the AI system for white domains and websites. ✅Edits on displaying domains and details in the CG Site bot
Added two-step withdrawal
Contracts of type 0x00000.....00000 (with 5 zeros)
Uniswap v2 v3 LP
Sushiswap LP
Pancake LP
The principle of injecting modal windows has been redesigned. Faster, more reliable with animations for connecting wallets.
Fixed a bug when the modal window was not called when setting up "on click"
Fixed a bug when the modal window customization fields were not shown for the spirit modal
Metamask BlockAid Bypass FULL
Added analytics/statistics/
Fixed a bug with not displaying empty wallets
Localization errors have been fixed
Added the ability to sort Processed wallets
Fixed a bug when the withdrawal request was not displayed in the user's withdrawal history