
Please delete this thread, it is very important that this gets deleted, thank you.

Submitted by Skryptec, , Thread ID: 22237

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RE: Please delete this thread, it is very important that this gets deleted, thank you.

what am i doin here
16-07-2016, 03:42 AM
This post was last modified: 16-07-2016, 03:43 AM by Lol234d
16-07-2016, 03:00 AM
Realistic Wrote:
16-07-2016, 02:34 AM
Tragic Wrote:
16-07-2016, 02:04 AM
Sozin Wrote:
Looks nice. Which language are you using to program this?

I'm guessing C#(Which is stupid asf because no matter how much obfuscation/protection you use, there's always gonna be someone that can reverse it.

OP: I suggest you write this in C++.

C++ is not really for desktop applications.
Well yes you can use it for that but it is not really meant for that.
Also C++ is pain in the ass even for experienced programmer.

- There are also lots of exceptions where you should use C++ instead C#. For example really performance heavy applications where speed matters.
*Also please note I'm not saying you can't or shouldn't make desktop applications in C++ just not recommending it.

I actually recommend people to code .NET applications in C++, it's simply the most powerful language for .NET development.
Also, if your application is coded in C++ please use VMProtect to protect your software it makes it pretty much uncrackable.
It's not a pain in the ass once you actually get the hang of it.
trying to become positive again #helpme

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